#5 – Reason NOT TO CLEAN: New hobby or craft

Try a new hobby, craft, or art!

The perfect time to build new skills with a new craft or art is now and always!  My mom started learning to draw and paint in her 70s. My sister taught herself to recognize birds by their call in her 50s. My dad taught himself photography in his 20s and his passion for photography has outlasted more than 60 years of technology. The social fabric of knowledge exists all around us. There is no age limit on learning and building skill. The hardest part is starting.

Nature journaling  is for every age group and every skill level. 

Nature Journaling

Nature journaling is perfect because perfection is not required. All ages and all skill levels can produce wonders with a attention to the world around us.

The best part is discovering all the scientists, writers, artists, and designers engaged in nature journaling. But you don’t have to be an artist, writer, or scientist to nature journal. All you need is a pencil, notebook, and the desire to learn new things.

For great enthusiasts there are journaling workshops. A wonderful community of nature journalists share their love and commitment for the process of journaling in nature both online and locally